The Scientific Power of Meditation

The reality of the world in wich we live today is charecterised by it´s modernity, technology, advances in science, however also pandemics, stress and lack emphaty. That is the reason why meditating and reflecting about our actions is important to better understand the reality we live in.
It relaxes me looking at the flowers or the sky

But, ¿What’s meditation?

                                                 Meditation can better the brain. Are we morally obligated to ...

The meditation  isn´t synonnymous with becoming a different and new person or someone better. It´s about developing awarensess and talking a healthier perspective on things. The idea is not to turn off our thoughts or feelings. The idea is to be able to observe them without judging them. And, eventually, come to understand better. 

Benefits of Meditation 
1) Keeps your stress-free.
2) Reduce ageing. 
3) add More hours to your day.
4) Increase your attention span.
5) Increase immunity and help figth diseases. 
6) Improve metabolism and helps you lose weigth. 
7) Helps you have a good night sleep. 
8) Improves functioning of your brain. 
9) Makes you and those around you happier.
10) Helps you feel more conected. 

About Video: 

1)What do you think of the video? Do you meditate? Why? Do you feel it works? Why?

In respect of the video, I believe that information is good and very interesting, i like so much topic about meditation and reflection. In personally I stated to meditate a few months ago because I felt stressed, worried and many others emotions respect to deal with the actual situation (Covid-19, Online classes, personal problems) so I thought that medidate could be a good alternative to channel my emotions. I acknowledge that before I didn´t believe in the scientificity of mediating but I decided to give it a try.
I´m not a new person (Because I´m practicing day by day) jaja but I can say my emotions are calmer, my beathing is slowy improving and my hours of sleep are better. 

2) How are you feeling these days? Why?

During this time, I felt very stressed, confused and distressed, somedays, things just take way too much of my energy, I lose focus on my responsibilities and my studies. The online classes is very boring and sometimes stressful because my internet is very slow and that makes me feel upset :/ but I breath.
I miss my friends jajaj makes jockes and laugh with them, also I miss my friends of the university, walk the streets near the university and discover new places. (It´s nice to have a friend) 

3) How do I feel when the English class starts?

Sincerely, I like englis, improve my pronunciation and learn new things. The online classes is very strange for my jajaj but I´m getting used. The modality of the classes I do not like so much because I vould like to be able to practice my english more than doing homework every week on a new topic.


  1. meditation has many benefits!
    I understand how are you feeling, I'm kind of bored with online university too, it's very stressful.

  2. Meditation helps a lot! Especially in this time of uncertainty and anxiety, I feel the same way, I miss being with my friends and doing the simplest things like going for a walk or getting together and just talking :C

  3. wow its a incredible post!, the meditation is amazing


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